What is so baffling to me is that everyone automatically assumes I support Hamas. I do NOT. I do not support violence. I support civil disobedience, peaceful protest, and freedom of speech. If you actually read my statement you would have understood that.
Just because I want Palestinians to to live and have a livelihood, does not make me a terrorist. What on earth is wrong with supporting the livelihood of Palestinians? Perhaps to you, the only good kind of Palestinian is a dead one. Do you want all Palestinians to be killed? If all Palestinians were murdered, would you be happy? Is this the outcome you are hoping for? Maybe you support Chuck Schumer when he said that they should "nuke Gaza". Will you then stop harassing pro-Palestinians when they try to make peaceful statements online? Maybe 35,000 dead Palestinians is not good enough for you. Or maybe you think 14,000 murdered Palestinian children is too low. Let me know, I'd be curious to hear what a peaceful person you are if you support killing children.